Piradov Mikhail Aleksanrovich
Director, D. Sci (Med.), Professor, Member of Russian academy of sciences (Academician)
Education and Titles
- 1973-1979 – 2nd Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
- 1979-1981 – Resident in Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia
- 1981-1984 – postgraduate student – Ph.D. student. Thesis (1984) ‘Regional brain blood flow in patients with internal carotid occlusion”
- 1993 – D. Sci (Med.)Thesis: “Severe acute polyradiculoneuritis”
- 1998 – Professor of neurology
- 2016 – Member of Russian academy of sciences (Academician)
- 2009 – Laureate of Russian Goverment Prize in Science
- 1984 -1989: Researcher and Senior researcher in Neurointensive care Department, Research Center of Neurology
- 1989 – 2014: Deputy Director, Research Center of Neurology
- 1994 – present: Head of Neurointensive Care Department, Research Center of Neurology
- 2014 – present: Director, Research Сenter of Neurology.
Additional information:
- Chief of Academic and Thesis Committee, Research Сenter of Neurology.
- Presidium Member, Administration of the Russian Society of Neurologists
- Member of Administration of the Russian Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists
- Member of the Coordinating Scientific Council, Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Russia
- Editor-in-Chief in “Annals of Clinical and Experimantal Neurology”
- Member of Editorial Board in “Neurological journal”, “Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova”, “Russian journal of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology”
- Member of Editorial Board in “Archives of Neurology” (JAMA.Neurology)
- Vice-president of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) (1996-1999)
- Member of Administration of the World Federation of Neurology член (WFN) (1997-2001)
- Member of the American Academy of Neurology (1993- present). Member of Committee for International Relationships (1995-present)
Scientific Interests
M.A. Piradov is the author of more than 900 works and 19 monographs including: Guillain-Barre syndrome (2003, 2011), Stroke: diagnosis, treatment. prophylaxis (2008, 2009), Intravenous immunotherapy in neurology (2011), Neurophysiology of coma and disturbances of consciousness (2015), Neurology of XXI century (2015), etc., 14 patents in fundamental and applied Neurology and Neuroscience:
- Acute stroke
- Coma
- Acute demyelinating polyneuropaties
- Extracorporeal methods in neurologiacal disease management
- neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation
- One of the leading authors of National Criteria of Brain Death
Most cited manuscripts
- Feigin, V.L.,Krishnamurthi, R.V., (…) Piradov M.A. et al. Update on the global burden of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in 1990-2013: The GBD 2013 study. Neuroepidemiology. 2015;
- Gregson, B.A.,Mendelow, A.D.,(…) Piradov M.A. et al. International variations in surgical practice for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke. 2003;
- Feigin, V.L.,Mensah, G.A.(…) Piradov M.A. et al. Atlas of the global burden of stroke (1990-2013): The GBD 2013 study. Neuroepidemiology. 2015;
- Piradov, M.A.,Pirogov, V.N.,Popova, L.M.,Avdunina, I.A. Diphtheritic polyneuropathy: Clinical analysis of severe forms. Archives of Neurology. 2001;
- Barker-Collo, S.,Bennett, (…), Piradov M.A. et al. Sex differences in stroke incidence, prevalence,mortality and disability-adjusted life years: Results from the global burden of disease study Neuroepidemiology. 2015;
- Chervyakov, A.V.,Chernyavsky, A.Y.,Sinitsyn, D.O.,Piradov, M.A. Possible mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2015;
- Parmar, P.,Krishnamurthi, R., (…), Piradov, M.A. et al. The Stroke RiskometerTM App: Validation of a data collection tool and stroke risk predictor. International Journal of Stroke. 2015;
- Feigin, V.L.,Krishnamurthi, R.,(…), Piradov, M.A. et al. New Strategy to Reduce the Global Burden of Stroke. 2015;
- Mokienko, O.A.,Chervyakov, (…), Piradov, M.A. Increased motor cortex excitability during motor imagery in brain-computer interface trained subjects. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 2013;
Educational work
- Head of the Department of Neurology, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
M.A. Piradov – supervised 22 PhD Researches and 5 D.Sci (Med.) thesis.
Hirsch index: RSCI - 59, WoS - 35, Scopus - 39.