About the Center

Main areas of research

  • cerebrovascular diseases
  • demyelinating diseases of the nervous system
  • degenerative and hereditary diseases of the nervous system
  • neurocritical care
  • restorative neurology
  • fundamental principles of brain function in health and disease, mechanisms of its plasticity and variability
  • research in the field of cellular and nanotechnology in clinical and experimental neurology
  • other areas of neuroscience



The Research Center of Neurology is the largest research and medical institution in our country, occupying a unique niche in the field of clinical and fundamental neurosciences. Due to its versatility, rich equipment and experience of the interaction of a variety of specialists - scientists, physicians and academics - the Center has all the capabilities to quickly implement the results of experimental research into practice, to ensure the highest level of neurological care and educational process. Possessing the cutting edge diagnostic and research solutions, the Research Center of Neurology has been focusing on creating new technologies for diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of socially significant diseases of the nervous system, as well as studying the most important fundamental problems of functioning brain norm and pathology.
The center has unparalleled research potential in our country - from highly informative structural and functional neuroimaging to the latest cellular and molecular genetic technologies, from endoscopic neurosurgery to various neuromodulation methods, from the most advanced robotic neurorehabilitation technologies to experimental neurotransplantation. The staff of the Research Center of Neurology confidently looks to the future, relying on the school and traditions established by our great teachers. The Center remains the flagship of Russian neuroscience, a real “neurological home” for doctors and scientists, which worthily enhances the glory of Russian medicine. 


The Research Center of Neurology is the clinical base of the Pharmacological Committee of the Russian Federation for testing new drugs.

The following bodies work on the basis of Research Center of Neurology:

  • Scientific and Methodological Center for Multiple Sclerosis of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia
  • National Society for the Study of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
  • Dissertation Council
  • Local Ethics Committee

Research and Medical Departments, Centers and Laboratories


Mikhail A.Piradov
D. Sci. (Med.), Professor
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Academician)

Sergey N. Illarioshkin
Deputy Director for Research
D. Sci. (Med.), Professor
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation / Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation

Marine M. Tanashyan
Deputy Director for Research
D. Sci. (Med.), Professor
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation

Elena V. Gnedovskaya
Deputy Director for Research, Organization and Development

  • 1st Neurology Department – cerebrovascular diseases
  • 2nd Neurology Department with Intensive Care Unit - cerebrovascular diseases and acute stroke 
  • 3rd Neurology Department with Psychological and Speech Therapy Group – cerebrovascular diseases and cognitive impairments  
  • 5th Neurology Department with DNA Laboratory – neurodegenerative and hereditary diseases of the nervous system
  • 6th Neurology Department - neuroinfections and neuroinflammatory diseases
  • Neurosurgery Department with Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Group
  • Neurocritical Care and Anesthesiology Department 
  • Department of Neurorehabilitation and Physiotherapy
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Laboratory
  • Peripheral Nervous System Diseases Center
  • Epileptology Center
  • Department of Radiology
  • Hemorheology, Hemostasis and Pharmacokinetics Laboratory  
  • Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Ultrasound Research Laboratory
  • Multidisciplinary Clinical & Diagnostic Center
  • Outpatient Neurology Department 
  • Day-hospital Departments
  • Center for International Scales and Questionnaires Validation 
  • Clinical and Experimental Neurochemistry Laboratory
  • Brain Research Department with laboratories: 
    • Brain Anatomy and Architectonics 
    • Functional Morphochemistry of Nervous System
    • Experimental Pathology of Nervous System
    • Functional Synaptology of Nervous System
    • Brain Age-specific (Developmental) Physiology and Neurocybernetics
    • Experimental Neurocytology  
  • Laboratory of Clinical Researches
  • Scientific Coordination and Education Department   

